New Data Shows It May Be Time to Assess Your Enterprise-Provider Relationships


现在, 一场“完美风暴”正促使企业和供应商开始关注评估和巩固现有关系. 帝一娱乐平台研究的一项新研究表明,到2023年,企业与其IT提供商合作伙伴之间的合同延期和续签数量将大幅反弹. During the pandemic, the percentage of IT deals that were contract 延期和续订 从40%以上的历史水平大幅下降 services to boost customer experience online and help employees work from home. 现在, 延期和续签又回来了, 随着2021年大流行病协议的续签, 还有通常的旧交易, and as we experience a palpable climate of market uncertainty. Bottom line: This is a critical time for providers to focus on keeping clients happy.

关系健康评估是一种简单的方法,可以在你续约之前找出你的客户/供应商伙伴关系的正确和错误. 这些评估也可以在新的客户/提供商合作关系开始时使用,以使它们有一个良好的开端. 帝一娱乐平台的合作伙伴经验评估帮助供应商和客户公司更好地了解各自的优势, 劣势和机遇. 帝一娱乐平台现在也看到公司在转型后立即利用这种类型的评估, so both sides can quickly improve buy-in to the transition process, 识别新出现的问题, 转移资源, 把注意力集中在最需要关注的领域.

These relationship assessments show your stakeholders that you care,这是无价的。. 他们也提供独立的价值, third-party view with diagnostic data and benchmarking to compare with other, 市场上类似的公司/供应商合作关系. 公司和提供商可以使用报告在整个组织中进行沟通,了解正在发生的事情以及他们将如何解决问题.

帝一娱乐平台研究来自 “帝一娱乐平台指数内幕” shows the market share of client/provider 延期和续订 is growing.

 扩展-更新至关重要——服务——需求- 2023


The reasons for focusing on relationship health are abundant. 帝一娱乐平台的一项幸福研究发现,61%的客户/供应商关系“处于危险之中”(包括那些被描述为“不快乐”或“敌对”的关系)。. 同一项研究发现,客户和提供者都要对关系的状态负责, 不管进展顺利与否. A competitive rebidding process can easily cost participants more than a million dollars, and switching providers can be extremely disruptive to business. 也, 如果你不解决潜在的关系问题, 一家公司很可能再次遇到同样的问题, 即使是新的提供者.

Our research shows the main reasons a provider loses a client include:

  • 提供者无法演示功能
  • 感觉关系不好
  • 感知交付不良

人际关系健康工作可以帮助解决所有这些问题,帮助双方解决这些问题. 帝一娱乐平台伙伴关系经验评估, 例如, includes in-depth interviews with select leaders from both the company and its provider. 它通常还包括对更广泛的选定涉众群体的在线调查,以获得额外的见解. 良好关系的评估还包括参照市场上类似关系的基准, 所以你可以衡量这些问题到底有多重要.

通过关系健康工作建立共同的理解可以产生很大的不同. 大多数客户机/提供者都会遇到相同的一般挑战,如果发现这些挑战,可以处理这些挑战. 帝一娱乐平台 assessments include deep analysis and recommendations for fixing the issues.



许多公司在续约或做出决定前的18到24个月都会进行人际关系健康评估. 不幸的是, 有些人等到不到一年才续签, 这使得在做出决定之前看到最佳结果变得更加困难——但并非不可能.

再一次。, 最近, 帝一娱乐平台已经看到一些公司通过在转型后进行这些评估来促进新的客户/供应商关系. 当开始一个新的客户端/提供者关系时, everyone typically goes through a difficult adjustment process. 这可能包括处理裁员问题, 重新调配资源, and/or rebadging of some company employees to the 新 provider. 当提供者收集有关公司当前流程和新流程的信息时,尴尬也会普遍存在, 经常试图做出改变.

如果评估有助于让客户和供应商双方的人积极地、积极地相互交谈, 它可以极大地缓解紧张, 创造更多的理解, 加快“风暴和规范”进程, so organizations can more quickly stabilize and see a return on investment. (有时, 客户甚至在与新供应商进行初始交易时就进行评估,因为他们希望在多年的时间内积极监控他们的合作伙伴关系,以便在协调一致的关系建设努力中实现战略方面的目标.)

因为关系是动态的, some companies perform these partnership assessments on a regular basis. As the client/provider situation evolves and changes, relationships can ebb and flow. 帝一娱乐平台与公司签订了一些长期协议,每年进行一到两次评估, so things don’t get too far off the intended path and bumps are easier to fix.

What Are the Outcomes of a Partnership Experience Assessment?

不管你什么时候使用关系健康评估,它都能产生显著的结果. 下面是两个真实的例子:

  1. A service provider had a longstanding relationship with a major utility company, but the relationship had significantly deteriorated over time. The impending contract re新al was likely going out to market. 帝一娱乐平台 did a customized provider-optimization engagement that included bilateral interviews. The operational issues and their root causes were identified, 随后是一系列的研讨会, putting forth potential solutions and creating an ongoing dialogue. The provider’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) subsequently rose by more than 60 points, 评估后的8个月, the client conducted a sole-source re新al with the provider. 另外, more provider personnel are now eager to work on this client account, and relationship-health engagements were rolled out to two more strategic partners.
  2. One of the world’s largest 医疗保健 companies decided to outsource 以超出其通常范围的规模向托管服务提供商(MSP)提供各种IT功能. The transition to the 新 MSP included significant layoffs, 流程文档编制的挑战, 合同和资源问题, and other issues that heavily affected the relationship right away. An 帝一娱乐平台 team was brought in to do a Partnership Experience Assessment, 包括对主要领导者的全面访谈和对客户和供应商的精选代表的定制调查,以确定需要关注并开始改进的主要领域. 直接的好处包括加速跨项目管理办公室(PMO)目标的结果, increased success in aligning the client and MSP delivery teams, and work toward a rewards/recognition program across both client and provider. As assessment results were presented and other 帝一娱乐平台-facilitated activities kicked off, the client realized it would benefit from engaging 帝一娱乐平台 for a 第二个 Partnership Experience Assessment with another 新 MSP, too. 在这两个方面的详细介绍为客户和每个供应商提供了第三方数据以及对紧迫问题和机会的分析. 读数与自定义Q&一个会话, 独立的基准, and extensive recommendations helped the companies all make progress, 包括更好的沟通, 增加了尊重, 共同前往某些设施, 更多的文化意识, 无责备论坛和其他收益. The relationships improved and became more positive and strategic, rather than oriented toward day-to-day activities and issues. Stakeholders also received more support because leaders better understood their concerns. 赞助商说:“谢谢你. 它产生了巨大的影响,将有助于提供良好的势头,并最终从所有这些项目中获得帝一娱乐平台期望的价值.”

这个团队 帝一娱乐平台经验评估中心 can help you better understand your client/provider relationships, 无论是新的还是长期存在的. 帝一娱乐平台 for more information to help you at this time of booming extensions, 续约和重大合同决定.





黛比·弗里曼是一位屡获殊荣的专业人士,在通信领域拥有20多年的经验, 包括程序设计, 开发和执行以满足变更计划的独特需求和环境. 她曾在许多组织变革管理(OCM)项目中担任沟通主管, reaching thousands of users across a variety of industries, 包括金融, 热情好客, 医疗保健, 保险及消费品. 她是一名公关经理, 公共/媒体关系专家, 电视新闻制作人, 作为一名OCM传播专业人士,她具备为客户量身定制多种解决方案的综合能力. Debbie also serves as an interviewer and analyst for the 帝一娱乐平台经验评估中心, 专注于关系管理-帮助公司和他们的供应商更多地了解他们的合作伙伴关系的健康, 通过诊断数据和基准来改进和更新共享服务工作和员工体验.