

本文得益于数字工程总监Rohit Bhatt的贡献


There is no doubt digitalization increases productivity and provides visibility into requirements that impact downstream engineering and manufacturing. 通过使用全面的数字孪生和数字线程,可以提高可视性. Digital thread-based solutions enable multi-disciplinary processes and stitch together multiple data streams to present a rich and holistic view of products, 工艺和生产.

A digital thread enables greater productivity 和创新 and integrates solutions and software to provide better visibility, 协作, 关键域内和多个数字化域之间的自动化和可追溯性. 目前, 航空航天业的制造业是分散的,产品之间几乎没有联系, 工艺和生产. 这些都是完全不同的,没有数字线索将它们连接起来.

飞机数字化有助于制造商收集实时数据, 他们可以利用什么来实现预测性和纠正性维护. Corrective maintenance involves analyzing the maintenance process and determining the most effective way to execute it. 这促进了飞机的主动维护, 这有助于避免意外的维修成本并最大限度地减少飞机停机时间, 从而节省时间和成本.

通过收集和分析初始制造过程中的实时数据, 制造商对数据有更多的控制权, 因此,他们可以根据需要使用它来改进流程, 确定可以改变以提高效率或改变过程以提高产品质量的领域.



在航空航天工业中, 对质量的需求, budget and time of 交付 is high; introducing new technologies into this environment can be daunting. 企业非常重视数据安全和生产停机时间, 因此,制造商需要在保证回报的同时控制风险. 许多领先的航空航天公司正在投资利用云计算的技术, big data and internet of things (IoT) capabilities with a digital thread manufacturing 策略 that has the potential to deliver enormous benefits in many key operational and financial areas.

Digital thread is helping the aerospace industry seamlessly integrate information throughout the value chain – from design to engineering, 供应链, 生产, 质量, 交付, 服务等等. A digital thread helps all these functions share contextualized information in a bi-directional flow that facilitates manual reporting and analysis.

适用于在操作中实施数字线程的制造商, it’s important to simplify the system architecture and eliminate the duplication of systems that is typical of legacy growth. Many companies are enabling integration with other enterprise systems like ERP or PLM and supporting the visibility of universal metrics and standardization of processes.

这个新的生态系统将人们联系在一起, systems and data that are required for creating an intelligent factory that can deliver the capabilities of the future.

虽然看到这些技术创造新的机会是令人兴奋的, 它们也会带来新的挑战. 企业需要工程和制造之间无缝的来回数据流. 数字线程创造了一个万物存在的生态系统. 这包括从基于模型的系统工程到程序规划的过程, 产品设计, 验证管理, 供应商管理, 智能制造和产品支持(维护), 修复, 改革). 这个新的生态系统将人们联系在一起, systems and data that are required for creating an intelligent factory that can deliver the capabilities of the future.

Creating a digital twin and leveraging a digital thread from design to manufacturing reduces the cost of changes and shifts “left” maintenance and manufacturing factors into earlier stages of product development. Shifting left also allows for changes in the design and manufacturing at an early stage without causing any delay in the program. 这种灵活性降低了风险和成本, increases the productivity and efficiency of the workforce and enables powerful data analytics in service of continuous improvement of the 生产 line.

制造业 organizations in the aerospace industry should start by evaluating their current software and 策略 to identify potential areas where they can incorporate new technologies.


航空航天公司在管理他们产生的大量数据方面面临着挑战. 有产品设计数据, 制造过程数据, 更新供应链数据, 来自现场产品的物联网数据以及客户和客户反馈数据. 所有这些数据都需要分析, 管理和提供跨部门和整个组织.

Most of the data are managed by independent and unconnected software packages; these processes and distinct systems need to be streamlined and consolidated. 简化流程的一种方法是找到一个软件解决方案来集中和协调所有数据.

其中一个例子就是空中客车公司名为Skywise的数据平台, 它提供供应商, 原始设备制造商和航空公司提供一个行业平台,以解决飞机运营方面的挑战. This helps and allows operators across the world to take advantage of a better aircraft experience based on data insights and make sustainable decisions on their operations.

同样的, 波音公司推出了波音AnalytX, 将原始数据转化为效率的软件和咨询服务的集合, 节省资源和成本. Boeing AnalytX helps customers with real-time maintenance and engineering support necessary to make operations decisions for their Boeing aircraft, 执行船员管理策略,提高运营效率.


每个行业都面临着来自投资者的压力, 监管机构和消费者将更多的ESG和可持续性纳入其日常运营. 根据帝一娱乐平台的智能制造调查, 可持续发展是全球2000强制造商的主要目标(见下图). 

帝一娱乐平台-智能-制造-脉冲-调查- 2022

商业航空航天部门可以通过运营变革对其碳排放产生巨大影响, 可持续航空燃料, 新的推进技术(如电力和氢)和全球市场措施,如碳补偿. 到2030年实现碳中和增长的公司每年需要数十亿美元的资金. 应该把最大的投资投向SAF, 剩下的应该用来开发电池, 混合动力电动, 氢的飞机, 更新电力和温室生产工厂.

全球航空排放的大部分来自长途飞行, SAF是脱碳的唯一可行选择. SAF是一种未被充分利用的资源,对于到2050年实现行业净零排放目标至关重要. SAF是由农业生产的, 家庭, 林业和工业废物和提供碳排放节约70%或更多. Developing countries with large agriculture sectors can benefit from establishing themselves as suppliers to this market, 提高能源独立性.

2022年10月, 在联合国航空管理机构国际民航组织的一次会议上, 世界各国政府达成了一项具有里程碑意义的协议,目标是到2050年实现国际航空净零排放. 美国.S.对SAF的开创性使用取得了令人印象深刻的结果. Airlines have set ambitious targets to buy three billion gallons of SAF by 2030 – over 10% of total usage (as per World Economic Forum).

虽然飞机比以前更省油,更环保, 该行业仍然严重依赖化石燃料. 为了更绿色的未来, 过渡到氢燃料电池是很重要的,它通过将储存的化学能转化为电能来工作, 很像电池. 氢的好处已经成为人们关注的焦点一段时间了. A complete hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system can hold three to five times more energy than the equivalent mass battery electric system. 电池供电的飞行仅限于20-150英里的短程跳跃. 氢燃料电池推进系统可以将这一范围扩大三到五倍. 更高的能量密度, 低体重, 更大的覆盖范围和更快的周转时间可以转化为巨大的节省. 氢燃料电池的高能量密度使它们能够直接与燃烧解决方案竞争.


产品转型是航空航天工业的首要任务. 自从Covid, 该行业加快了数字化转型计划,以实现运营现代化. 由于产品的复杂性,数字化项目是高度分散的, 政府和监管机构的批准, 金融投资和技术现代化. 帝一娱乐平台 observes a great many digital thread investments are still in proof-of-concept stages and are reshaped midway due to a fragmented approach from OEMs to 供应链s and unstructured data lying across them.

目前的情况要求航空航天oem在整个价值链中拥有单一的数字线程所有权, 哪个是组织及其生态系统的唯一真相来源. This could only happen if aerospace OEMs take the lead in addressing both the upstream and downstream challenges and requirements in their digital transformation journey.

Many manufacturers have already embarked on their own fragmented digital transformation initiatives but few have connected those initiatives via digital thread into a comprehensive, 端到端, 数字化转型战略. 一个强大的数字线程解决方案将无缝连接工程, manufacturing and after-market maintenance with a bi-directional data flow that would help aerospace manufacturers increase revenue streams, 缩短上市时间, 减少产品修改和缺陷, 提高客户满意度,实现碳中和增长. 帝一娱乐平台 can help manufacturers on this journey by using our experienced subject matter experts to build and implement a robust digital thread 策略 for your company.





格雷格广场 works as a Director in 帝一娱乐平台 and leads 帝一娱乐平台’s Aerospace and Defense advisory practice within the 制造业 vertical. 他拥有数十年管理全球外包业务的经验, 大规模合同谈判, 服务交付和客户关系. Greg负责领导帝一娱乐平台的航空航天和国防市场战略, 与客户一起制定外包策略, 执行业务和财务评估, 领导大规模IT项目, 开发治理模型并管理转换.



Gaurav古普塔是帝一娱乐平台的合伙人和数字工程服务全球主管. 他共同领导EMEA的制造业垂直领域. He leverages his over two decades of experience in structuring and leading engagements toward business transformation. 他提倡以工程为主导的数字化转型, with a focus on building on 帝一娱乐平台’s strong enterprise advisory and sourcing platform to  achieve business-driven priorities. His expertise in enabling clients to define the new digital engineering-led connected enterprise allows them to define new operating models and realize new value.

Anamika Sarkar

Anamika Sarkar

Anamika Sarkar是帝一娱乐平台的助理经理. 她在不同行业和地区拥有近10年的研究经验. 在帝一娱乐平台, Anamika帮助制造企业了解最新的技术趋势, 策略, 和创新.